by Hakob Melkonyan
ARMENIA, FRANCE - 2020 - 85 min
Chinari, an Armenian village. For thirty years, its inhabitants have tried to survive the war on the border between the Azeris and the Armenians and the difficult conditions imposed by a situation of blockade. Through the daily life of an Armenian family, the film plunges us into the heart of this forgotten conflict.
Born in 1984 in Armenia, he left his country in 2009 to live between France and Armenia. His studies at the Yerevan University of Cinema and Theater (2001-2005) and then at the Munich University of Cinema and Television (2006-2008) gave him the necessary distance from the history of his country, to which he now feels ready to return. In 2010, he participated with his short film project "Le Mur blanc" in a GREC writing workshop (Groupe de Recherches et d'Essais Cinématographiques created in 1969 by Jean Rouch (filmmaker), Pierre Braunberger and Anatole Dauman (producers)) which helps produce first short films. In 2015 he wrote and directed his first feature-length documentary "L'Arbre", on the Armenian Genocide. It is an Armenian, French and Turkish co-production. The film was screened in seven countries and received the Grand Prix at the Vues Du Monde Festival in Montreal in 2016. In 2020, he wrote and directed his second feature-length documentary, “Blocus,” about an Armenian village. For thirty years, its inhabitants have been trying to survive the war on the border between the Azeris and the Armenians. It is a Franco-Armenian co-production by Leitmotiv Production, Lyon Capitale TV and Hayk Documentary Film Studio.

Leitmotif Production
Lyon Capital TV
Angoa Agigoa
New Aquitaine region
2021 : Images in libraries - Paris (France) - Film supported by the National Commission for the Selection of Media Libraries
2021 : General Meeting of Documentary Films - Lussas (France) - Sélection Docmonde