Botoman: Pirogue profession
by Didier Urbain
GUYANA (France) - 2015 - 48 MINUTES
Seke is a canoeist on the Maroni River in Guyana. He transports goods with his canoe. Often its cargo exceeds 10 tons and this makes difficult passages in rapids or on shallows.
The film, like a road movie, follows Seke from St-Laurent du Maroni. It will reach, more than 300 km and in 3 days by canoe, the village of Antecume-Pata, in Amerindian territory.
Over the deliveries, the Maroni society gradually reveals itself as a micro society, often traditional, which comes up against illegal gold panning.
In Guyana for 10 years, I am a producer-director at Sarl 5 ° Nord Productions, more focused on creative documentaries. As President of the association AVM, Atelier Vidéo et Multimédia, I am developing a project of Image Pole / Audiovisual and Multimedia training center.

5 Degree North Production
France Télévisions
(Guyana 1st)
Guyana 1st
Guyana region
Guyana Amazonian Park
In 2017: Visions du Réel - Nyon (Switzerland) - Competition Section “Regard Neuf”